We will deliver Noatan, a transcendent beautiful girl, to your home! "Hey... Hardened Punch Chin... Insert It In My Naka..." Staring Only At You, Lovey-dovey Service School Girls Whispering In Your Ears! Binaurally recorded Dirty Words will rape your brain! *By using earphones and headphones in this work, you can enjoy the realism of being there. [* There is some disturbance in the image and sound]
✩4/19 Noa Chiyo Talk Event✩ We're doing it again this year!! And the guest will be Maririn I'm so happy~ I'm so excited~ #Noa and Chiyoko's Toys Heart Drinking
My practice visit to Shogun Morioka store has ended...! I won three times and played for a long time (I lost a little) It was my first time in Iwate! I was happy to be there! Thank you to everyone who spoke to me #PR