I've come to deliver what your wishes come true ... Take off everything! The genius sales lady is sensitive to the problems that customers have, "It's not just chewy that makes you feel good!" It leads to a solution by mercilessly interacting with a terrible erotic toy play while shaking. Tornado Kiss Blow x Squid with rich SEX ... The men regained their self-confidence, and Honoka brilliantly sold the goods and hit the highest sales ever.
Today I visited the Ramtara Akihabara store and met Honoka Tsujii @tsujiiHonoka She always makes me laugh and her fan service is divine! Thank you for responding to my request for a photo together!
Today I came to meet Honoka Tsujii at Concord Numazu in Numazu, Shizuoka Prefecture!! Unfortunately, my bullet train stopped for about 30 minutes on the way and I couldn't make it in time for the lottery, but thank you for taking a photo with me And I ended up with a profit✌️ With this, I've won both of my matches at the Tsuji-chan event, making my win rate 100%! lol
"Actually, I was a candidate for the Japanese national basketball team" - Interview with the 172cm tall sexy actress. Also, her time as a "poor" hairdresser with a monthly salary of 100,000 yen (Weekly SPA!) #TsujiiHonoka @tsujiiHonoka