ATOM-101 If you mix "aphrodisiac" and "sleeping agent" ... Super-drug effect! Great effect! A new discovery! If you give a neat and busty lady who came to a fake aroma manipulative clinic that opened in a high-class residential area for one day to drink a special drink containing "aphrodisiac" & "sleeping agent", it will transform into a super sensitive body!
Surprising synergistic effect by taking "aphrodisiac" and "hypnotic" at the same time! When I tricked a beautiful female customer who came to a fake manipulative clinic into having an effect of improving metabolism and tried to take an aphrodisiac and a sleeping pill at the same time ... A consciousness that became stunned ... A super sensitive body when stimulating the sensitive part of the burning body An amateur girl who suddenly changed her mind blows bubbles and incontinence! The ready-made nasty body is in a state where it is OK immediately!